Confession: I ate a ginormous everything bagel that I had brought back from Brooklyn and kept in my freezer. The world tells me that I should hate carbs, but how could I hate anything so perfect?
Can we still be friends if I eat carbs? Great. Okay, now that I got that out of the way...
I wanted to write a post about how people think that obese/fat people are lazy yet don't realize just how hard many of us work to suck in our guts all day long. Then I realized I had already written that post four years ago. (I wonder how many of my followers are fellow gut suckers as well.)
Have I really run out of things to say, or is it just that some things never change?
Sadly, due to a power outage at my office the first Weight Watchers at Work meeting was postponed to later this month. I think this is good and bad -- I was excited to get started, but I've had the respiratory ick for a while now. I also just finished a round of antibiotics that is knocking my on my ass. The ZPak is killing every bacteria in my body, good and bad. I will hit the ground running with Weight Watchers on January 20th.
I think it's okay to eat some carbs; it's all about moderation. For me one thing that's tough to cut down on is my salt intake, because I like eating stuff like popcorn and potato chips, but then I end up hating them when I step on the scale the next day.
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<3 Robby